Monday, September 20, 2010

Dealing with ankle injuries

Being in college and sk8ing everyday may cause some unexpected injuries. Like for instance, lets say you're listening to your ipod and sk8ing and suddenly a tiny pebble comes out of nowhere and you stumble and you cry to catch yourself but instead you roll your ankle. Yeah worst injury ever. This is what i do to remedy my pain.

  • I get an icepack and i put it on top of my foot. The physical touch of the ice might hurt but it's okay. If my  feet gets numb i like to think it's working.

  • Then I elevate my ankle so it's above my head. I use a shit loads of pillows and i put it on top of my desk. I heard this like stops swelling by getting the blood down to body.

  • Then when my feet get's all cold and numb, i put it in hot water. i heard this breaks up the blood inside my foot.

  • Then i pressurize it for the swelling to go down.

  • Then i wrap my foot in a t shirt just for funnies. mental therapy

After like a couple of hours or a day my feet would be fine.

I hope this helps you!

Also if your ankle is hurting and causing major physical pain, then you should contact your physician or doctor and go to hospital.  They be something wrong with you.

Hopes this helps guys!


- Enfermo - said...

thanks for the info...

Earl said...

Thanks for the helpful information!

poorfags said...

Also a cool story

Unknown said...

i remember my first ankle injury

Anonymous said...

I've never been much of a skater, but I've had my fair share of ankle injuries. Thanks for the tips man, also, love your page layout. Shits cool!

Oscar said...


Skyshock said...

i need one for wrist injuries fap fap fap

Biff Tanner said...


Drackar said...

...This is why you don't distract yourself while riding the tiny unstable plank of death.

Lil Pee said...

out of curiosity, whats the worst injury you've ever dealt with?

Dilly Skates said...

@Mr. smith, i was learning how to do a heel flip and the board just went up and smacked my balls. Not only did it smack my balls i got shoved up buttocks. Could not set one foot on a skateboard for week.

Skutt Panda PO said...

hahah good :)

Squall said...

Haven´t had major injuries, but I´ve never treated them in a special way. maybe it would have been better :/

! Starcraft II ! said...

I used to sprain my ankle all the time when I played alot of basketball it sucked

netz3r0 said...

lol i can fix it! :D

David Davidson said...

That does not sound pleasant, the injury or the cure for it. :P

niceonice said...


Celeb Lover said...

i got one of these when i was ice skating the other day. feels bad man

Alex DeLarge said...

don't forget to smoke some weed

Ipod reviews said...

epic info if i ever sprain my ankle!!!

Mr. Bloggity said...

"I fixes it" lol...I always do nothing when I get hurt, let my body sort it out, millions of years of evolution can't be too wrong...good write up though!

remzi said...

Thanks for the tip

whatthefudge said...

This helped alot !

Anonymous said...



Mc Uncool said...

ipod + skating isnt good anyway -.-

Clark said...

Awww man

Vlad said...

love that picture! also interesting read

Monarch said...

My ankles are carved outta steel, ain't no injuries here

lithoxene said...

Help a /b/rother out, would you?

ramrod360 said...

Ugh, brutal, I switched to special rubber wheels because of shit like that, get well soon broseph <3

Amish said...

thanks for the info and let me say that pic is super cute

Bad MSPainter said...

Wish had the coordination to skate. Good information though.

Jehrin said...

ankle injuries are the worst!

Dante N. said...

Oh man the amount of times I have rolled my ankle. I did it about 4 times in 2 months recently and have had to stop skating for a while because it was getting so bad.
I would totally follow your blog but there is no blogspot bar across the top. Full support anyway.

Snickersnee said...

god that must really hurt!

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