Monday, September 27, 2010

College tips continue. Requested by viewers

Since my last post, i gotten request for more tips for student loans. I'm glad my viewers are interested in going into college,  Good for you guys. College can be a tricky place but it is rewarding. The videos i'm gonna show you is for you guys with bad credit trying to get a student loan and how to get out of financial academic probation. Some good stuff.

Also for you guys looking for cheap text book or looking to rent one, check out

used it more than one occasion and the customer service was great.


Koniworld said...


Drackar said...

mm. loans.

Janus Kane said...

Thanks mate, my girl was looking for information like this. Makes my brain hurt just thinking about more loans...


darkmanx said...

Good post man, sometimes enrolling, loans and getting your classes can be more of a headache than actually attending class.

Michael Casspir said...

These make me sad in my heart. :(

In reality, though, were it not the new standard for every entry-level employee to have a university degree, I wouldn't be at university. Sad truth.

Lizard said...

thanks for the financial aid information. really helpful.

James said...

really helpful

Sadistic said...

You should do one on easy ways to get good credit rating haha.

Life Average An said...

Man this is great, i'll probably need this later on. You should follow and visit my page :]

Sweeeeeetas said...

yay more tips!! thx again

Piripi Anxo said...

thx for the great post! I will definitely come back for more!

joker said...

cool! gonna pull out a loan and get a lambo

shits gonna be so cash

Doodle Dunk said...

googoododogogdoogdgod good GOOD!
Post MOAR!

poorfags said...

I might actually have to use this info soon

ChaosReaper said...

Great stuff, man. This is gonna be really helpful in a couple weeks.

Unreal said...

Awesome! Especially since I will be transferring to a UC next year. Will follow and visit often!

Dick Paisley said...

The real trick is to go to school in England after establishing about cheap...

Unknown said...

FA can be such a pain in the ass, I lucked out at the university I go to, though. They're very very reasonable, and easy to work with. Was a black and white difference between the college I attended before hand.

Ishu said...

Well, congratulations for helping others! I already finished college...maybe the best years of my life to that point =)

momo said...

i really needed this advice

Anonymous said...

this was pretty helpful, thanks

resultsmayvary said...

nice, some stuff i knew some i didn't. gonna have to get around to applying soon, not looking forward to it.

niceonice said...

Thanks I just started college not long ago.

Sykefu said...

thanks for the infos, very usefull as always.

Lil Pee said...

cool info. I'm looking to go back to school.

TSFan said...

good tips, keep em coming!

peedewba said...

shit i am buried in debt

remzi said...

Thanks for the tips

jackysplants said...

I'm trying to do it without financial works.

Archivist X0042 said...

thank god for this post brother

Dr. Phun said...

I try to do it without financial aid and so far so good :)

Oscar said...

very informative again!

Archivist X0042 said...

you gotta do it organically

Anonymous said...

many search for this information. thnx a lot for posting these vids.

Skyshock said...


Anonymous said...

great info

Biff Tanner said...


jester said...

Nice, more good info on this subject is always appreciated. Loans suck, but getting the right one is important.

Chris said...

This stuff is golden, very VERY useful. I love how Youtube has the answer to everything.

CS said...

Thanks for all the tips! They will come in handy.

Eamon said...

I just started college this year so this stuff may really come in handy. Thanks

Mr. Black said...

Thanks for the great information, much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the tips!

Galwarrior said...

Nice info, thanks for your time!

therainthatischocolate said...

This should help me save some money.

Jenny Hensony said...

Good advice, thanks for that =)

Lewis Chan said...

this is really helpful

Earl said...

Great post man. Keep in touch... Look forward to more.

HiveNode said...

Smoke weed erryday

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