Saturday, September 25, 2010

thank you for the 300 follwers, tips for student loan

I am shocked and honored to see that I have 300 followers. I'm just a just a normal college student, struggling to live day by day with only student loans money and shit loads of bills for textbooks. I'm touched that you guys actually like my blog. Well for your support, i give you some compensation,
I know some of you guys are upcoming college students, so i want you to know some of basic tips for applying for student loans. This video really helped me get started and actually got me a student loan.

Hope you guys make something out of your life, and stay in school! thats how i roll.


Unknown said...

i just want my $50000 piece of paper that says i can do something to

Biff Tanner said...
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Biff Tanner said...

Woot congrats on the big 3 double 0

_lycosa said...

School is a little overrated if you are skilled in specific jobs and such. For example I am skilled in Web Page Design, Graphic Design, and Level Design.

If you make a home business, you can come up with some really awesome material and not even have to go through school. Feels good right?


Earl said...

Finished school... couldn't find a job due to the economy :( Sucks. Can't wait for things to pick back up again... Look forward to future posts. Keep in touch.

Galwarrior said...

Gratz man!

Matt said...

Good advice bro.

jester said...

I'm going to be applying for a student loan soon and I'll have to bookmark this and have a second look before I go.

Thanks for looking up the vid man!

~Andrew Wilson said...

Showin support for an awesome post :D

Rawr chicken feet. said...

this post requires more tips!!!

Home Alone Stoned said...

congrats on 300 man!

Sadistic said...

Congrats on the 300!
Luckily for me school in Canadas relatively cheap. I think its about 7000$ a year.

darkmanx said...

Congrats dude, glad to be part of the following. thanks for the tips, I'm looking to go back to school soon.

MVTM said...


Chris said...

Congrats! Hurray for student loans. :)

Janus Kane said...

Short post mate, but it was actually pretty inspiring. I hope people listen mate, we need more free thinkers and trailblazers these days. Fight the good fight, my friend.


peedewba said...

living in a dorm is boring id rather blogg than watch tv all the time meh

Themensquarters said...

great post, helps alot especially for students like us!

annoymouse said...

thx dude.. that was gud info...

Skyshock said...

Check out the second part of my Blogger Tips series, its up on my blog now!!

Joshua said...

Nice post, hopefully it helps a few people reading your blog.

remzi said...

Congrats dude

TSFan said...

in my experience guidance counselors suck. i basically dropped out of college because my counselor wouldn't help me. they have so many kids to see all the time, they don't care about helping you.

Anonymous said...

Its a very good tip mate. and i want to congratulate u for ur 300+.

Blenderhead said...

Maybe I might just get back into school. Great post though :D

Defective Robot said...

Grats! Luckily i got some scholarships and dont have to take out a big student loan

Anonymous said...

W00t 300! Congrats dude!

James said...

I know the feeling man with the bills and loans, And grats on the army of 300 followers :D. Wish I had that many!

Basement Assassin said...

ah college, gotta love it. also gotta hate it but hey thats college. and not that stupid sam adams song.

Sykefu said...

oh man, excelent tip, thank you :)
also, congratz on 300 :)

BonJGuteTOhana said...

Thanks, very helpful!

KasperPenge said...

congratz man :)

Anonymous College Student said...

Thanks for the tips.

Gaming Anon said...

thx for the info!

DonkeyKong64 said...


jackysplants said...

keep on studying, nice!

ChaosReaper said...

Congrats bro!

therainthatischocolate said...

Thanks for the info, and grats on 300.

Oscar said...


Bad MSPainter said...

Maybe instead of drawing stupid things in ms paint I should direct porn to pay off my student loans. Great post btw hope to see more.

Mr. Bloggity said...

Cool vid, and congrats on the 300+

Sweeeeeetas said...

Thx for the vid!! and congrats on the followers!

Koniworld said...

thx for info and congratzzz for 300...

Michael Casspir said...

Try going to a Military College. That shit's free, save only for the mandatory time in, afterwards...

joker said...

fucken awesome!!

this could be useful

Anonymous said...

Bro, thanks for sharing these advices :)

Souf. said...

Awesome tips.

CAPSLOCK! said...


JakeNBake said...

wow man thanks this is really helpful stuff keep it up!

Typical tech monkey said...

It sucks that getting a decent education costs so much.

Beerandchips said...

grats on 300, my dad took care of all my financial stuff in terms of setting up my loan. unsubsidized because parents make too much $$ but not enough to my full tuition

Archivist X0042 said...

you'll never catch me taking any money out

Swarmster said...

Great post, showing some love, keep it up =)

Mc Uncool said...

in my country we are getting paid to study xD
but only if your financial situation is bad though :/

Harrysoon said...

Getting a student loan in America seems so much harder than in England. All I have to do is fill a form out online, state which means I want to be tested on for the amount of money I'll receive, and the amount of maintenance grant I'll get. If I say I want to be tested on my parent's household income, I send some evidence off of how much my Mum earns a year, and job's done.

DongAlong said...

Wow. This is nice.

momo said...
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momo said...

i needed this!

Skyshock said...

New post up on my blog!!

The Geeks Paradise said...

I needed this as well. Thanks for the info!

fflash8therealg said...


loloriz0r said...

useful information, even though I dont live in the U.S.

Bikes that pedal backwards... said...

Very good info, may come in need when i start college next simester. Alwais have great info on this blog, followed!

Anonymous said...

hahaha thats interesting

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